

When someone passes away, you may want to write a sympathy card message for their family. This will show that you care, and that the person who has passed is in your thoughts. Whether you want to express your own feelings, share a fond memory or simply offer your support, knowing what to write on a funeral card isn’t always an easy task.

Even if you prefer to keep your funeral messages quite short, it will still come across as a warm and heartfelt gesture. We have listed some examples below to help you write your own sympathy card.

We are so sorry for your loss
Our family is keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers
Thinking of you in these difficult times
Our hearts go out to you and your family
We want you to know that we are here for you if you need anything
With heartfelt condolences
Wishing you as much peace as possible during this difficult time
Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow
With deepest sympathy as you remember [name]
Holding you close in my thoughts and hoping you are doing okay

If you find yourself a little stuck for what to write on funeral flowers, don’t be afraid to keep it simple. Some of the best funeral flower messages are short and from the heart.

We have compiled a list of funeral flower message examples below which should give you some inspiration. Whatever you decide to write, the most important thing is that you have shown that you care.

Short Funeral Flower Messages

Gone but never forgotten
You will be sorely missed
Our thoughts go out to you
In loving memory
Rest in peace
Always in my heart
Treasured memories
Forever in our thoughts
May you rest in peace
With love and fond memories
Sorry for your loss
With deepest sympathy

Longer Funeral Flower Messages

Although we are far away, we will hold you close in our thoughts and in our hearts today and always
You will be missed but never forgotten. You have captured a place in our hearts. Rest in peace
May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead
You brought joy, happiness and laughter to all who met you. You will be deeply missed by everyone
When a person becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure
Many friends come into our lives but only a few leave with their footprints on our hearts
For the joy you gave and the precious memories which you left behind for me to cherish; take with you all my love

Religious Funeral Flower Messages

Goodnight and God bless
You are in our thoughts and prayers
May you rest in peace in God’s heaven
In God’s arms may you gently rest
Wherever you are, God is
May the Lord bless you and keep you in His care
You changed my life in countless ways. Thank you for everything

What To Write On Funeral Flowers For Dad Or Mum

Mum / Dad, you gave me the best life. Rest peacefully
You were the best mum / dad anyone could wish for. I love you and I miss you
Love you mum / dad
For a wonderful mum / dad, thank you for your endless love and kindness

What To Write On Funeral Flowers For A Sister Or Brother

You were my strength in good times and bad. Thank you for everything
Brother / Sister, you are loved dearly
You were my best friend. I will miss you everyday
Time and time again, you showed me how to live. Love you so much.

Popular Verses For Funeral Flowers

My friend you are a leaving. It’s time for you to go. Your friendship was a blessing and I will miss you so
Death may leave a heartache no one can heal but love leaves a memory that no one can steal
Our hearts are filled with sadness and tears, but our memories are filled with smiles and laughter of the good times we shared over the years
Time may pass and fade away but memories of you will always stay
To me you were so special. Someone good and true. Never will I forget you; I thought the world of you
Dear is your memory, sweet is your name. Close to my heart, you will always remain

Religious Verses For Funeral Flowers

God took you in his loving arms, He saw you needed rest. His garden must be beautiful, for He only takes the best
In God’s care you rest above, in our hearts you rest with love
God will link the broken chain, as one by one we meet again. In our hearts he will always stay, loved and remembered every day
Ours is just a simple prayer, God bless and keep you in His care

There are many things you will want to avoid when writing funeral card messages. Whilst everyone feels different when they lose a loved one, it’s important that you don’t write anything that may upset or anger friends or family of the deceased.

When it comes to writing funeral messages, avoid phrases such as:

It’s for the best
I understand how you’re feeling
They lived a full life
Everything happens for a reason
They are in a better place now
You will see them again some day




以赛亚书 58:9 – 那時你求告、耶和华必应允。你呼求、他必说、我在这里。
帖撒罗迦后书 3:16 – 愿赐平安的主随时随事亲自给你们平安!愿主常与你们众人同在!
約翰福音 3:16 - 神爱世人,甚至赐下他的独生子,好让所有信他的人不至于灭亡,反得永恒的生命。



Condolences Messages for Buddhist / Taoist

Death is a mirror in which the entire meaning of life is reflected.
Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.
When a soul leaves this world in its present form to be reborn in another.
My prayers are with you and family. Rest in peace.
You are in our thoughts and prayers forever. Bless you.

